Scenario Selection

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On what amounted to be yet another exhausting day at highschool, you stood before a porcelain urinal, idly ejecting the contents of your bladder. The lonely ringing of your stream carried throughout the tiled walls, lending itself to an entirely meditative atmosphere. With a brief sigh, you found yourself far staring beyond the unclean architecture and incoherent scribbles.

You, as a person, appeared no different from the other students who roamed these halls. As every person studied to forge a better future for themselves, you held your desires close, as they were the single, identifying trait that separated you from the pack - and also affecting the very way of your existence. Your male compatriots - whose dull gazes rarely fell beyond the breasts and buttocks - were common and uninteresting. They openly mocked anyone who denied their 'common interests,' as if their narrow-minded view of the female body were in some way worthy of pride. No, your desire was different. What spurred your lust was more natural; it was a baser attraction, to a baser perfection. What you held - that the loudest amongst your class frequently, violently rebuked - was a foot fetish.

An insatiable desire to explore the curvature of a woman's naked feet, this interest played a nagging, persistent role in your upbringing. Throughout your childhood, you unconsciously surrounded yourself with paragons of the female foot - young ladies who never concealed the desire to bare their soles. It was this unique dynamic that roused your fetish from its playful infancy, where you grew more aware of its sexual impact. However, even in recent years, as you more consciously sought out this uncommon breed of woman, you had little romantic vestige to show for your tempered ideals.

The quiet, contemplative atmosphere disappeared as soon as you left the bathroom, repeating to yourself, ‘Something must change.’

It was at this moment that a window, overlooking the front of the school building, drew your attention. While it was difficult to see clearly, it appeared as though a curious event had begun to unfold at the main gate.

Several teachers had apparently responded to a clamor at the main gate. An idle stranger, banging upon the metallic bars, was a detractor to the safety of students and faculty alike. In an attempt to force the man away, a brawny physical education teacher reached through the bars and gripped the stranger's clothing. This resulted in the stranger biting the limb that was extended to him, forcing the teacher to withdraw his bleeding arm. Gripping his would tightly, the teacher suffered immediately feverish symptoms, before collapsing into an unresponsive slump. While this was shocking to see, nothing could have prepared you for seeing him awaken. The teacher stirred from his short respite and latched onto the female staff member who worriedly hovered over him, digging his teeth into her neck as similarly as was done to him only minutes ago. The ensuing scream woke you from your trance…

Backing away from the window, you tried to make sense of the situation. In the event of an emergency, the school would surely be evacuated. However, now, as the teachers at the gate were procedurally slaughtered, you knew it wouldn't be long before the chaos spread into the interior of the school. Among the first to witness this horrific scene, you were allowed free reign over your next decisions.

Each of the women you marked as a candidate for a wholesome, foot-based romance were now in danger, threatened by a looming event that would see their early deaths. While you were slated to warn and protect them, with just a few minutes to spare, you had only the time to secure one of their fates…

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