Saturday, August 10, 2013

Foot Filter: Oyatsu Mk2

One of the more stylish artists I've had the privilege of watching is Oyatsu Mk2 - a talented Japanese artist, prominent among the foot fetishist community on Pixiv. His art is stylized and vibrant, and mixed with a powerful understanding of how context and personality can define an image (along with a distinctive way of drawing the female foot), Oyatsu's work is always quite easily distinguishable. When not handling the construction of his own original material, he periodically samples traditionally barefoot characters in Japanese pop-culture, effectively giving himself an excuse to flesh out their splendid feet, toes, and soles, an act which I'm sure we can all appreciate.

Original Characters:

Protect the Girl:

While I'm not typically a fan of placing cute, barefoot girls - and by extension, my own affections - into peril, Oyatsu handles these situations in a way I tend to accept. Rather than throwing his creations to the breeze, these images hopefully inspire within the viewer an interest in protecting these poor girls, instead of watching them tend to their own (usually disadvantageous) fate.

Licensed Characters:

The above image is a truly splendid, if not for the four pairs of bare feet on display, then because it's a portrait of the main characters from Sisterism, a manga with an extremely high amount of barefoot moments captured through ink and pen. If you possess even the tiniest shred of a foot fetish, then it would be undoubtedly worth it to look into this prime example of ridiculous.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wow...jaw dropping set of artwork. ^_^ Oyatsu MK2 is an awesome artist. Great post Zealot. :-)
